Don't let period pain keep you down: Free $2 coupon
Advil Menstrual pain relief
with ibuprofen as ibuprofen sodium
A Smiley360 Mission review
Causes of period pain
Period pain, commonly known as cramping, is caused by a few things, namely the natural chemical we produce called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins, which can rise to six times their normal levels during menstruation, cause the uterus to contract in an effort to slough off the uterine lining of blood produced in conjunction with ovulation. Prostaglandins also work to make nerve endings more sensitive to pain, therefore making the cramps more painful and unbearable.
Why do some women experience lighter cramps than others? Lucky buggers. It is thought that they produce less prostaglandins and other hormones during that "time of the month" therefore experiencing less pain. Other factors may come into play but more studies are needed.
Other causes of period pain can be associated with periods is the cramping itself. When uterine cramps are severe they can temporarily constrict blood vessels and deny needed oxygen from getting to the uterus. This lack of oxygen and the constricting vessels can cause cramping to become more painful. A dehydrated body can also add to the severity of period pain. Increased activity is known to speed up the removal of the uterine lining, making the period seem heavier during times of activity. This increased contractions of the uterus contribute to more severe pain as well.
Many know, some do not, that menstrual pain is not limited to the uterus. It can be felt in the sides, back and can cause headaches. It can cause tenderness or increased sensitivity of the breast tissue and potentially cause pain there too. Sometimes the bloating can be a cause of pain too. So much pressure and let's not forget how much swollen feet hurt. So much pain in being a woman right? Is there ever an end to it? Symptoms of PMS(premenstrual syndrome) and menstruation include but are not limited to:
- headaches
- bloating
- excessive gas
- craving for salt or chocolate
- general feeling of fatigue
- irritable and moody
- over-sensitivity to stimuli
- sleep disturbances
- frequent urination and more
- painful cramping in the lower abdominal area
- lower back pain and pain in sides
How does Advil Menstrual Pain Relief work?
Advil Menstrual Pain Relief is presented as ibuprofen sodium. Ibuprofen sodium is more soluble therefore it is quickly absorbed and distributed throughout the body, attacking pain at its source faster than regular ibuprofen. It has been proven effective against period pain among other pain, such as post-op dental pain and episodic tension type headaches. *
My Experience
As a Smiley360 member I am able to qualify to test, keep and review products catered to me. You better believe I was ecstatic about qualifying for the Advil Menstrual Pain Relief mission. When my mission kit arrived, I instantly opened it and started doing research on the main ingredient, ibuprofen sodium, as soon as possible. I wanted to learn about the product before actually using it. I was impressed with what I learned and couldn't wait to try out my new Advil. Wait, what? Did I seriously just say that I was excited for my next period? What is wrong with me? Must have been the hormones talking because before too long my symptoms started moving in. Ugh....Aunt Flo.
On the first hint of that dreaded headache following increased pressure from early onset bloating, I grabbed that bottle so fast and took two Advil Menstrual Pain tablets, killed the lights, laid down on the couch and waited....I waited for what seemed an eternity, you know the whole watched pot never boils thing....but in actuality it was pretty close to 15 minutes before I started feeling the first hints of relief. When it did kick in, the headache began to lift and I was able to sit up without feeling too much discomfort from the bloating, because yes, sometimes bloating pressure is really pain. I started thinking about how quick the Advil was working on easing my headache. Phase one, day before period starts complete.
The next day is when my period began....well, in the middle of the night. Isn't that how it always happens? Wake up to red tidal wave, you sit up and the tide pours in. Anyway, the cramps were in full effect offering no mercy to me, its unwilling victim. My cramps are horrible. There are days they leave me down for the count, there is no way I'm crawling out of bed for anything less than preparing meals for the family, and they're lucky if I do that at all during my first couple of days. It literally feels as though my belly is being ripped open and my guts are being pulled out.....slowly, oh so slowly to prolong the torture. Horrible. I got up and walked, hunched in near unbearable pain to the bathroom to perform my morning duties and take a couple of the Advil I had waiting for me in there. I was near tears by the time I went back out to lay on the couch. I laid there, eyes closed, pillow clutched to my gut, groaning in pain with every wave of nauseating pain.
All of the sudden, the pain started to fade, and not gradually. It was fading at a substantial rate. The urge to cry was disappearing, I found I didn't have to hold the pillow so tightly against my gut either. I looked up at the clock and it had only been about 15-18 minutes since I had taken the Advil. This was already way better, way more effective in easing my menstrual pain than the regular ibuprofen and acetaminophen I had been using. The pain was eased, not completely gone, for about 4-6 hours dependent on my level of activity through the day. It was a nice break from the constant excruciating pain I was used to dealing with. After taking it a couple times on its own I began taking it with food as it was causing stomach discomfort, no ill side effects other than that. I'm not too sure if I was expecting more from the Advil but what I felt, the relief from the symptoms was well worth the test.I do intend to purchase this product in the future and I do recommend this product.
As a Smiley360 member,I received this Advil Menstrual Pain for free in exchange for my honest reviews and opinions. Follow my link and sign up for Smiley360! Come back here when starting your new mission!
While you're at it, click the link below and grab a $2 off coupon good towards your purchase of Advil Menstrual Pain!
*Research: Ibuprofen sodium is more effective in pain than ibuprofen./https:// Feb.17,2016
All images and links on this page are for referral/promotional purposes for the page owner. 2017
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